Announcing that you would love to skydive in the company of someone who
would go to the ends of the earth to make your dreams come true (i.e. to the
skydiving centre’s booking office) is not a great idea.
Anyway, I did it!! I landed safely, thanks to my fabulous instructor,
but whatever possessed me to want to jump in the first place – from 20,000
feet! – when I could have been at home pursuing some more sedate activity, like
Zumba dancing or even pole-dancing?
Well, never one to back away from a
challenge (I tackled my arachnophobia too, but that’s another story), it was
something on my bucket list, something I needed to do. Coincidentally, I’d
recently nursed my mother through early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, a terribly
cruel disease, which it seemed to me they were no nearer to finding a cure for
than when my grandmother succumbed to it. Ravishes of the disease on her mind
aside, my mum was genuinely one of the nicest people I’ve had the fortune to
have in my life, never cursed (or if she did, it was quietly), never bemoaned
her lot (even with seven children), always trying to look on the bright side. I
digress. It also occurred to me, at that time, there were never any tins being rattled
outside supermarkets for donations to go to that particular charity. In fact,
there seemed to be precious little in the way of fundraising as far as I could see.
OK, my little contribution, raising funds through skydiving, wasn’t going to
make massive inroads into funding towards research, but … sometimes you have to
do something, don’t you? Thank goodness, folk the world over do. Media coverage
brings attention to those in desperate need, people reach deeply into their
pockets and undertake all sorts of hair-raising activities to raise monies for worthwhile
charities. My madcap adventure pales by comparison to some of the feats
achieved. Together we can change things. We might not be able to cure all the
world’s ills in our lifetime, but maybe, one day.
Sheryl Browne brings you poignant, witty modern romance.
A member of the Romantic Novelists’ Association and shortlisted for Innovation
in Romantic Fiction, Sheryl now has five books published with
Safkhet Publishing. Sheryl’s latest book is now available in eBook and print:
to Love
The good Dr David Adams has
been bad. Could you learn to love him?
to Love
the Fragility of Love, Life, and Relationships ~
~ and the sometimes tenuous bonds that hold people together. At
the heart of the story is an emotionally withdrawn, angry little boy who is
grieving the loss of his mother. Ten-year old Jake’s repressed anger is aimed
at his dad, who in Jake’s mind deserted his mum in her hour of need. Dr David
Adams, Jake’s father, is carrying the heavy burden of guilt around the death of
his wife. For all his training as a doctor, David had been as ill-equipped to
deal with her decision to delay anti-leukemic treatment for their unborn baby’s
sake, as he is to deal with his son’s grief. He feels Jake’s anger is
justified. Now, alone with his son, he has no idea how to reach him.
Andrea Kelly, David’s neighbour, mum of three and carer to her
mother, is forced by circumstances to take refuge at David’s house and becomes
instrumental in bringing this lost little boy and his equally lost father
together. Andrea also has relationship issues and, as her attraction to David
grows, she wonders whether she should love a man who is, by his own admission,
Sheryl Browne’s books via the links below:
Author LINKS:
independent publisher Safkhet Publishing and romance author Sheryl Browne of
Droitwich, Worcestershire, England, announce the publication of the poignant
romance thriller, Learning to Love, a look at love, life and relationships,
on 22 July 2013.
Learning to Love—“chos en for publication in the Birmingham City
University School of English Anthology”
Widower, Dr David
Adams, has recently moved to the village—where no one knows him, ergo there's
no fuel for neighborhood gossip—to start afresh with his ten year old son, if
only he can get to a place where his son wants to speak to him. Angry and
withdrawn, Jake blames his dad for the death of his mother, and David doesn't
know how to reach him.
Andrea Kelly has too
many balls in the air. With three children and a "nuts" mother to
care for, her fiancé can't fathom why she wants to throw something else into
the mix and change her career. Surely she already has too much on her plate?
Because her plates are skew-whiff and her balls are dropping off all over the
place, Andrea points out. She needs to make changes. Still her fiancé, who has
a hidden agenda, is dead-set against it.
When Andrea's house
burns mysteriously to the ground and Andrea and her entourage are forced to
move in with the enigmatic Dr Adams, however, the village drums soon start
beating, fuel aplenty when it turns out someone does know him—the woman
carrying his baby.
About the Author:

Learning to Love (ISBN: 9781908208835) is available for
purchase as an eBook worldwide on Amazon, Kobo, the Apple iStore and all other
major retailers. For more information, please visit
Oooh, it bring it all back, Zanna. I have a video too. I look relatively cool and poised until the camera pans past me as I'm about to stand up to exit the cockpit. At that point, I'm looking most definitely green around the gills. Thank you so much for sharing my adventures! :) xx
ReplyDeleteYou're most welcome - and very brave! I get worried just walking across high bridges!!
DeleteWow, Sheryl. You're my new heroine. No, really! The heroine in my latest WIP goes for a skydive too, but hers doesn't end quite as easily as yours did. LOL We'll have to chat about it. Well done, brave friend!
ReplyDeleteSheryl! Wowzers and all that! I am SO impressed! You have to write more about it … ALL the deets! How can we contribute to your fundraising?